I'm making a parody of the Telletubbies at the moment! It's when they get all drunk and end up killing themselves in nasty ways.
Po says (while holding pipe-bomb to his eye):
"Oooooooooooooh look! A telescope!"
Dipsy (after pulling pin out of a grenade):
"Awwwwww! The avacado gave me a pretty ring!"
Lala (when standing on the edge of a very high cliff):
"I know! Let's do a dance!"
That vacuum-thingy (after eating all the remaining telletubbies):
"[BURP!] Well, that's the end of my career. The Wiggles don't need a vacuum cleaner."
Check out a picture below:
<a href="http://gettinggaywithkids69.newgrounds.com/">http://gettinggaywithkids69.newground s.com/</a>
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Just though you might be interested in this.
i'm interested!